miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2016

Week 1 by Stephanie Chavez

It’s been a week since arriving here in Caceres, and WOW, what a culture shock it’s been! Being of Mexican heritage and living your life in Northwest Indiana to then come here to Spain is such a drastic change. My first week here was pretty rough. The weather was bad, raining, cloudy and cold. There wasn’t much sunshine to keep you warm throughout the day, but towards the end of the week everything started to get better. The second day here was the day I started to to see and realize many differences between our cultures. Food was completely different! Food here is nothing like back home. The food here is very bland, they don't really use spices or anything hot and spicy. Foods are very simple and very healthy. I’ve learned that the majority of their food is organic and fresh versus the food from the U.S, where we use a lot of preservatives. College is very different here. Students are very friendly towards each other, not quite with us yet, but I learned just why that is. We’re accustomed to greeting folks as we walk past one another and smile versus people here that are accustomed to not smiling at strangers nor speak to you in passing. The university de Extremadura is gigantic! It’s setup in a way where each school of study is separated into huge buildings. Each building is almost like a community of students whom are studying the same subject. We were given a tour of the campus and one of the first stops in which we saw was the library. The library was quite different. You were able to feel the difference the moment you walked in. Students here are not allowed to talk, use their phone or make any such noise. There are instantly asked to leave the building. The college life here is different for the most part, but it’s been amazing thus far. 

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