miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Week 1 by Jenna Zubik

My first week stay in Caceres has defiantly been an eye opening experience. After the long airplane and bus ride, we arrived where our new host families were waiting for us. The second I stepped off the bus I was instantly overwhelmed, however, I heard the sweetest elder man say my name: Paco. Paco and his wife, Carmen, helped me with my bags and we went to their apartment. Right off the bat I could tell the cultural difference. Everyone was so loving and welcoming and kissing each other's cheek. When we got to the apartment everything was so different than what I used to. The apartment seemed to be small but was larger. In my room the dream catcher above my bed instantly caught my eye since this is what I have been dreaming about for the last year. The food here is different it's more bland but healthier. Also, unlike at home, we have three dishes at one setting. The coffee is much stronger but tastes more pure. Another culture difference is tapas. During tapas, you sit down with friends or family have a couple drinks and talk with appetizers. It's so much fun and relaxing. We started school and it was different taking the bus. In Cáceres, the way to get around is either bus, taxi, or walking. Back in America, I'm used to driving everywhere I go. However, I love walking around and enjoying the scenery. Nevertheless, it has been raining every day. At first, I was shocked everyone still walked around with their umbrellas to protect themselves. My real mother does not even like driving to the store when it rains. My favorite culture difference would have to be la siesta. La siesta is a special time between three and five in which shops close down and everyone goes home and naps. Now I actually have a reason to take my midday naps! I am so excited to see what is to come this next week!  

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