miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Week 2 by Natalie Serna

This week as a group we traveled to Sevilla, which is about 4 hours away from Cáceres. The city was absolutely beautiful. Visiting the Cathedral was like nothing I have ever seen before. Climbing up the 37 ramps to see the top was a struggle but it was worth it. After that we went to the Museum of Flamingo dancers. Before actually seeing the dance, I interpreted it to be two young dancers, dancing to something similar to salsa. But it happened to be an older man and woman and the dance was nothing like what I thought it would be. For the background music there was a guitarist and a singer. The singer seemed to be more making sounds rather than singing words, for what it seemed to me. The dance was beautiful, it was very loud and it spoke for itself, there wants much going on for them to dance to but they made their own noised and rhythm to dance to. They all communicated on stage, the guitarist, the singer, and the two dancers, they all communicated through noises and taps. I had never seen so much talent in a room between 4 people. I would enjoy going to see another performance, and I would like to see another couple and make comparisons between the two. The weather in Sevilla was extremely hot and it was definitely different than how it is in Cáceres. On a brighter note the second week in Cáceres it did stop raining and I was able to walk around the city more and learn my way around.  Cáceres is extremely beautiful and there is a lot to offer in such a small town. It surprises me that back home is it the complete opposite. Many small towns don’t have what Cáceres does.

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