miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2016

Week 2 by Jenna Zubik

I cannot believe one week has already passed in Cáceres. It is beyond beautiful here and I do not want to leave. This week my class went to old town. It was so incredible to see that people still there. In the United States, it seems that once something is old and out of fashion, we remodel it. I love the way the town is so close unlike back at home. Everyone socializes on the street and take their time. It is amazing how friendly everyone is. In America, it is as if every day activities are always in a rush. I love sitting down with friends and enjoying a coffee instead of getting one before class. When walking down the street, I notice how people are not as defensive. I watched a man and his daughter who was a toddler pass multiple people. Random people would touch her head and then man did not flinch at all. I found this so shocking since when at home people are constantly worried of their children being taken. I absolutely love the culture here and how warming it is. Another different factor is the relationships with dogs. While walking down the streets, the dogs are not always on leashes. However, they always behave and nobody is worried about them. The dogs do not run away or bark at other dogs. My host family has a dog and they talk to him as much as they would a human. The dog is so well behaved unlike my family's dog. I am so in love with the atmosphere and beyond excited to see what is to come! 

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