domingo, 12 de junio de 2016

Week 3 by Sandra Lozano

                  This week I experienced something I never thought I would be able to in my life. I had the opportunity to experience first-hand a Champions League final celebration.
 At the age of 8 I was introduced to the world of soccer and have loved it ever since. My dad grew up being a fan of Real Madrid and because of this I also became a fan of this team. I have always watched them play on TV and at the age of 12 I had the opportunity of watching them play live in Chicago. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would be in Spain to celebrate with other die hard Real Madrid fans after their Champions League final win. The way Madrid celebrated this win impressed me with its fans, I do not know a sport or team in the United States that would’ve celebrated this win the way Real Madrid fans did. Myself and hundreds, maybe thousands, of RM fans stood outside in the cold and rain for 7 hours just to get a glimpse of the players and the cup. This experienced demonstrated to me the devoted fan base not only this team but the sport in general has in Spain.  This was an unforgettable experience and I will cherish it for the rest of my life.


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