domingo, 12 de junio de 2016

Week 4 by Jason Johnson

This week was a very short week as we had a couple of trips organized along with the final oral exam and the final written exam. We also took a trip to a flea market, and a trip to Trujillo. It seems as if the time has gone by very quickly as it always does when experiencing new things in life, in new places. The above picture was taken from the highest vantage point in the Trujillo castle. We started in the plaza mayor where we saw a statue of Francisco Pizarro on top of his horse. We learned that Francisco Pizarro conquered Peru and returned to Trujillo and was widely rich. When he returned he and his family constructed a palace in a corner of the plaza mayor that we were able to see the outside of while we were there. I noticed on the outside of the place there were carvings in the stone of Francisco and what appeared to be immediate members of his family. Since this is the end of the trip it is fitting to say at times it went by quicker than expected and at other times slowly. I experienced new places, made some new friends who shared common experiences with me, and managed to make some friends in Caceres. My host family could not have been more accommodating and welcoming than they were. They made me at least feel like a part of the family. I will definitely remember the people I shared the experiences with for a long time to come.

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