domingo, 12 de junio de 2016

Week 3 by Stephanie Chavez

Week 3 

Caceres, Spain  

It’s week three everyone! This past week has flown by faster then the rest thus far. It would be crazy to say that I haven’t learned, enjoyed or changed my life in the past couple weeks, but I HAVE! I’ve learned so much from being in Spain that will forevermore change my way of life, thinking and most importantly teaching. I’ve been blessed to see the true beauty of being in a different part of the world and learning the cultural differences  and history here. It might be Spain, but I’ve learned so much about the Romans, moors, Muslims and gothic importance and impact that they’ve had here in Spain. This past week here in Caceres, they had their annual fair in which they celebrate it for almost a week long. It goes from Tuesday-Sunday I believe. It’s nothing compared to the “our” normal fairs back home. This fair was the absolute highlight of Caceres! This is a fair that occurs once a year and in which many young people attend. I’m not saying that older people don't attend, but it’s directed mainly to the younger population. On the day that we attended, apparently that was the day that all college students were invited to go, many people didn’t show up until after 11 o'clock at night. This is an event in which students go, hangout, dance and consume alcohol until the following morning. We had some host relatives who didn’t get back to the house until 11:00am the following day! Not only did we have an amazing time with all the dancing, music and social gatherings but we were all super tired afterwards. I loved it! Although, it’s different from our norm, it was fun! It simply made me think of home and certainly miss those who are enjoying their memorial weekend in the states. Our journey here is almost over.  

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